What is GENERYS?

GENERYS is a platform for intergenerational exchange, collaboration, and co-creation that has been active since Sep 2018. As of the end of August 2020, more than 200 diverse people in their teens to 80s have registered as members. Each member creates a working group with members who share their own sense of problem, interests, and needs, and hands-on while exchanging generation-specific knowledge, experience, personal connections, skills, and passions to solve problems and create value.


Main activities


  • Regular exchange meeting (held once a month) to take up various themes and exchange knowledge across generations

  • Breakout sessions / working group events that form groups according to various needs and issues

  • Activities aimed at solving problems and creating business value by hands-on involvement of members across generations in projects that are actually being started.


  • With IT tools such as Slack and Facebook group, you can divide into many working groups and channels, and share information and interact online at any time.

  • Online events with a wide variety of themes that can be attended from all over the world


Features and strengths of GENERYS

◆ Diverse human resources of different generations

  • Intentionally create a chemical reaction between different generations that you do not usually meet

  • Diversity is not limited to the business domain

◆ Organizational form that is not a company (3rd Place)

  • Have a solid main business (2nd Place) and collect knowledge from there

  • Not too loose, not too stiff, even as a place for parallel work

◆ Sense of credibility in the platform

  • Referral membership

  • Share a self-promotion sheet with full of unique hashtags

◆ Awareness that it is not just an exchange events

  • Connect on a project basis through issues and needs

  • Aiming for results of solving social issues and creating business value


Diverse connections between different generations create chemical reactions!

  • Intergenerational transmission of wisdom is the driving force of human evolution

  • Bring together generation-specific strengths and complement weaknesses

  • Increase the survival probability of startups by attacking and defending

  • Senior motivation is more social / generational contribution than monetary consideration

  • Youth should actively connect with senior mentors

  • A place where people who are "not overlapping" gather in a normal company or organization

  • Turn ”Overlapping" (common item #) into ”Connection" (1on1 connect)!

  • Turn ”Connection" into ”Expansion" (cluster of common values)!

  • To solve social issues and create business value through "expansion"!
